The lost journals of Robert Walter Graham – part 2

Journal of Robert Walter GrahamThe following is a letter from the journals of the late Robert Walter Graham, which were recently found in his home:


Well the kiddo has been home for a few months now.  She finally passed from ugly mini Phil to pretty princess. She’s got the prettiest toothless smile I’ve ever seen.  She reminds me of aunt Rosa after she accidentally swallowed her dentures… but without the mustache.  Our little princess will melt your heart if you have one.  I’m pretty sure she has my eyes and my no bullshit attitude. I can tell by the look she gave the priest when he poured the holy water on her head without permission.  She won’t take crap from anyone but will dish it out, literally and even during the baptism.  I swear that was a curse word that came out of her mouth… that’s my girl. 

I was happy that Georgie honored her momma and named her Jaime Elizabeth.  It nearly brought a tear to my eye — or maybe it was the stench coming from her soiled diaper. 

It’s not all rainbows and fairies in the homestead though. Suddenly running a business with a full house is a bit of a problem especially when little Ray comes around. 

Ray MacInnis, I call Little Ray, abandoned by his mom and when he was 14 he found his dad Big Ray with a self-inflicted gunshot to the head. I tried to keep an eye on the kid but he didn’t want anyone’s help. I managed to get a little closer to the kid when Georgie fell for his bad boy attitude. I’m glad that wore off and thank the Lord that there were no offspring from that relationship. He’s not the kind of guy I want hanging around my little princess.

Deep down, Little Ray is a good kid. Dedicated to the business and when the heat comes on, he takes it like a champ and never sells anyone out. I’m all he’s got. Let’s face it, no one will ever straighten him out, but I’ll always be there to protect him the best I can. Kind of like a son I never had… as much as I wish I had a son, he’d be nothing like Little Ray.

As for Hal, well I just need to keep Hal and Little Ray out of each other’s way given both their involvement with Georgie. That said, little Jaime needs a home of her own. I put a large down payment on a farmhouse for Hal. I didn’t want to put it in Georgie’s name because she’d probably sell it for fancy clothes and a cruise to a third-world country or something. I have mixed feelings about seeing the little princess leave, but I think it’s best for the business and besides, they’ll be happier not having me bossin’ them around.

Well, I better hit the hay. I have an early morning breakfast with Esther about some stuff. 




To find out where all of this is going, check out the feature film Owl River Runners. Check the screenings section for dates and showtimes.


The lost journals of Robert Walter Graham – part 1

Journal of Robert Walter GrahamThe following is a letter from the journals of the late Robert Walter Graham, which were recently found in his home:


I’m writing this because Alzheimers disease is a genetic gift passed on from my mother’s side and if it should happen to me, I can read these and re-live important moments of my life.  Unlike my eldest sister Martha who doesn’t recognize anyone and doesn’t even remember when she needs to use it.  I can tell by the stench of urine as soon as you walk into her hospice room.  I have ways to fend off Alzheimers and keeping the ole nogger active is the way to go.

Today, I became a grandpa, a proud moment I must say.  In one way, it’s about damn time. I wondered if Georgina would ever settle down long enough to be a mom, in another way it’ll be difficult for her because Elizabeth, that’s my wife, died two years ago and I miss her everyday.  She sure would be of use right now.  I saw that right away when Georgina started cussing and crying when trying to feed the baby… and something about inverted nipples.  I know a thing or two so I suggested they pump her like a cow and… well it didn’t go over well.  I decided to come home and let the nurses take care of it.  Hopefully they sort it out before she comes home.

Hal travelled home with me and couldn’t stop talking about the kid all the way home.  I offered him one of my drivin’ beers to shut him up but he just went on and on… About how beautiful the baby is.  I just shook my head in agreement even though I have never found a newborn baby to be anything but weird looking.  They look rather pitiful and helpless with their bobbin’ bald heads… sort of like a mini version of my brother Phil.

As I write this, I just come to a realization that everyone will depend on me to keep them gainfully employed.  But that’s for tomorrow, for now we need to figure out what to call this little princess.  Perhaps Jaime, Elizabeth always loved that name because in French, it means “I love”. 

Well long day, eyelids are heavy.  Until next time…  RWG


To find out where all of this is going, check out the feature film Owl River Runners. Check the screenings section for dates and showtimes.